Thursday, 30 June 2016

Video clips from the Invercargill Trip

Here are some videos from the recent trip to Invercargill.  The students enjoyed mucking around at Queen's Park.

Kakapo Trip

Recently Room 8 and some other classes from Gore Main went to Invercargill to see Kakapo chicks that were being nurtured through the DEPT of Conservation.  It was a unique opportunity to see these highly endangered native birds of New Zealand.  We decided to make a day of it and visit Queen's Park and the Invercargill Public Library as well.  It was an amazing day!
We all enjoyed it immensely.  Thank you to the band of parent helpers that took groups around Queen's Park and looked after the student's well-being whilst out on a class trip.  Unfortunately the Kakapo chicks were asleep when it was Room 8's turn to view them.  We didn't really see much other than a small ball of green feathers, but nevertheless we enjoyed it anyway!  Here are some pictures from the trip!


Monday, 27 June 2016


We had 2 weeks of swimming lessons at the Gore Multi-sports complex.  Here are some pics...

Science Experiements

Over the last few weeks we have been experimenting with science.  We have been looking at the scientific method of investigation (posing questions, forming an hypothesis, explaining the method, experimenting, sharing the results and forming new questions).  There is a lot of learning involved in science as students discover how things react with each other and try to make sense of it.  The first experiment we undertook was the Coke and mentos experiment.

Check out the videos below...

We began the experiment with a small reaction between the coke and mentos and eventually we were able to get a bigger, better explosion from the coke.  We did this by adding more mentos, making a funnel and using a bigger coke bottle.  The students learnt that in science you need to make tweaks to things to continue investigating.  We learnt that when the mentos is dropped into the coke the carbon dioxide rushes towards the lollies (like a magnet) and this causes the liquid to spout up.  It is a reaction between the mentos and coke.

Another experiment that we undertook in Room 8 was a 'Boat experiment'.  We made little boats and put them in water.  They floated for a bit, but didn't do a lot.  Someone suggested that we could get the boats to move forward at speed by adding a little drop of dish liquid behind the boat.  IT WORKED!  The boat shot forward in the water with just a small drop of dish liquid...  WHY WAS THIS?

We discovered that dish liquid cracks the surface of the water causing the boat to move forward.  We watched a video clip about this experiment as well which helped our understanding.  This experiment works with other soap like products which CUT through the water surface.  Here are some pictures...

Making boats

Another science experiment we tried was called "The unpoppable balloon".  We blew up a balloon and then tried to insert a kebab skewer right through the balloon!  There were lots of BANGS, but also lots of success!  Yes, many children were able to insert the skewer right through without popping the balloon.  This trick works only if you insert the skewer through the areas on the balloon where the surface tension is the least.  Definitely NOT on the side of the balloon, because this is where the balloon is stretched the most.  At each end there is thicker rubber, the nubble (bottom of balloon) and also where you tie the balloon off.  This is not as stretched and therefore the surface tension is lower, allowing you to push a skewer through without making the balloon POP!   Check out the photos...

Jessie and Lucy - Enviroschool teachers

Room 1 have been learning about recycling at Gore Main School.  Recently, Jessie and Lucy were invited to Room 1 to talk and educate the junior children about some of the environmental processes that are undertaken at Gore Main.  Room 1 listened very well to Jessie and Lucy while they spoke about their topic and it is great that they are interested in looking after the environment, even at 5 years old.  Here is some video footage of the young teachers doing their thing!

Monday, 20 June 2016

George and his lobsters

Jessie's younger brother George brought some amazing news to school last week!  His news was so exciting that he showed it all around the whole school!  This is how the story goes... A patch on George's farm was being dug up with a digger and all of a sudden the digger dug-up a whole lot of black lobsters!  What a surprise that was!  Normally it would be worms or dirt... but lobsters!  George was able to handle the snipping lobsters carefully by using his fingers like pincers.  After the lobsters had their day out at school George was returning them to their home.  Thanks George, it was an enjoyable day.

George carefully picking up one of the lobsters

Monday, 13 June 2016

Opening up the paddock

On Friday the 10th of June Gore Main School had a whole school ceremony to celebrate the opening of the paddock next to the school.  The idea of the paddock is for it to be developed into an area that can be played and explored in using natural resources, such as, trees, sticks, grass etc.  Each class are going to design and make child friendly equipment to be utilized.  It is an exciting adventure!  This area will take time to develop and it is wonderful that Gore Main has acknowledged the importance of play and exploration.  Watch the paddock develop over the next few years.  Here are some photos of the opening of the paddock!


On Friday the 10th of June the Room 8 children put on a surprise for their teacher!  It was amazing!  Mrs M arrived back after morning tea to have everybody organised and on-board with the surprise. Nicole and Jodi wrote a beautiful poem that took them hours of their own time!  They read it to Mrs M and the words were beautiful!  THANK YOU GIRLS!  It nearly brought their teacher to tears!  They also organised food, entertainment and gifts which was shared around.  This was a wonderful treat and it shows that this bunch of Year 5 children have great skills that will set them up for future adventures.  A special thanks to Nicole, Jodi and Leah's families who provided treats for Mrs M and the classroom.  Here are the pictures.