
Jayden calculated his goal post pattern by saying that 12 x 4 = 48.  (There was was 13 goal posts).  When asked if he was sure... he quickly stated that he had forgotten the first post and then he added the extra 4 to get a total of 52 stickers.  He didn't have any difficulties creating his pattern.

Jayden can read most times on an analogue clock.  He shows some confusion with am and pm and 24 hour time, recently stating that 9.24am was 21.24am.. He can solve problems involving exact time by using a number line to help.

Neela, Preston, Jayden and Ashton worked extremely well together to work out what food they have in their fridges.  Firstly they made a strip graph and then made statements about this graph.  They made a connection to fractions (because there was 4 in their group) and made statements like "3/4 people in the group like carrots".  After that they measured their strip graph into a circle and transformed this into a pie graph.  The size of the strips (i.e. carrots) helped them to measure their slice of pie.  They made more statements about their information off the pie graph and found that they were learning and seeing new things.  They made 2 statements each and supported each other to add detail to these.  To finish they confidently made a computer graph. 

Jayden was able to make this 3D shape finally after it fell apart several times.  He was able to count the faces, edges, vertices (corners) and learnt about the angles on the shape.  He is beginning to see how the angles work within 3D shapes.

Jayden created an amazing symmetrical pattern (right).  He required a bit of support when making his tessellating shape, but eventually began to understand how to tessellate it and create a visual pattern (on left).

Jayden and Preston worked hard to create this 3D geometrical city.  They completed the required expectations, which was to include particular items like cylinders, pyramids, tessellation and symmetry.  They were did a good job as you can see by their finished city.  Well done boys.

Safety Power-point presentation
Over Term 1 and 2 we have looked at different aspects of safety.  Jayden and Preston made a power-point that explained sport safety.  They researched their topic and then designed their own slide-show.  They presented their findings to the class. They did an amazing job standing up confidently in front of the class.  

5/7/16 Speech:  Here is Jayden's speech about racism.

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