Sunday 2 October 2016

Adventure World Inquiry - Decoration Group

Over the past term a group of girls have been working on a variety of decorations what they can put up in Adventure World.  They have painted, nailed and worked extremely hard!  They started off thinking they wanted to make a tyre couch... but this ended up being very difficult to put together so they then turned it into a planter that is now located over by the hen house.  They made a giant wooden tree and it will be nailed onto a post.  The group is currently still adding details to their 'can bird feeders' which will go up into the trees at the beginning of Term 4.  Unfortunately some of the decorations they have made that were in the trees were pulled down by vandals but that has not deterred the group.  Well done decoration group, your work makes Adventure World look great!  Check out the pictures...

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