
Levi identified that his first pattern starts with 7 and then each consecutive pattern adds 6 each time.  He tried to use a multiplication fact to solve this but he found this quite difficult.  He said 8 x 6...   When creating this pattern Levi understood what he was creating.

Levi is able to read most analogue and digital times but it is important that he continue to be given the opportunity to read the time regularly.  Levi is able to identify basic am and pm time frames, but not within 24 hour time.  He can draw a clock and put the numbers in the correct place.  When solving time problems Levi drew number lines to show his thinking but he was unsuccessfully able to solve these problems.  The number lines clearly show where Levi was going wrong and this will be able to be addressed in the classroom.   

Eamon, Callum, Matt and Levi worked extremely well together to work out what food they have in their fridges.  Firstly they made a strip graph and then made statements about this graph.  They made a connection to fractions (because there was 4 in their group) and made statements like "3/4 people in the group like carrots".  After that they measured their strip graph into a circle and transformed this into a pie graph.  The size of the strips (i.e. carrots) helped them to measure their slice of pie.  They made more statements about their information off the pie graph and found that they were learning and seeing new things.  Some of their statements required a tad more elaboration, but they managed to add detail once told.  To finish they made a computer graph.  This group worked out how to change the numbers on the axis of their computer graph because they weren't happy with it showing decimals (which it done by default), particularly because there was no decimal data.

Levi was able to make this 3D polyhedron.  He was able to count up how many faces, edges, vertices (corners) his shape had.  He learnt how to count up how many angles are on his shape.

As you can see by Levi's amazing symmetrical pattern, he has good geometrically skills.  He done this activity very easily.  His tessellating dog pattern also shows how he has been able to make and put together a shape.  Well done Levi.

Levi made this 3D geometrical city model completely independently.  He firstly made a 2D plan.  He was able to build a range of different 3D shapes (cylinders, pyramids, rectangular prisms etc) and include some simple tessellation, symmetry and shop signage.  He worked extremely well completing this project on his own.  As you can see he has done a quality job.  Well done Levi!

Safety Power-point presentation
Over Term 1 and 2 we have looked at different aspects of safety.  Matt and Levi made a power-point that explained dog safety.  They researched their topic and then designed their own slide-show.  They presented their findings to the class with an entertaining slide show. They did an amazing job standing up confidently in front of the class.  

July 2016:  Here is Levi's speech about a youTuber

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