Pyper could identify the pattern of 3 stickers, then 4 stickers, then 3 stickers... This confused her thinking and she was unable to successfully calculate the correct number of stickers. Pyper found this pattern activity very difficult.

Tegan, Pyper, Hollie and Tankia worked together to work out what food they have in their fridges. Firstly they made a strip graph and then made statements about this graph. They made a connection to fractions (because there was 4 in their group) and made statements like "3/4 people in the group like carrots". After that they measured their strip graph into a circle and transformed this into a pie graph. The size of the strips (i.e. carrots) helped them to measure their slice of pie. They made more statements about their information off the pie graph and found that they were learning and seeing new things. To finish they made a computer graph. (Tanika was absent for most of this learning). This group found it challenging to work together on this task but eventually started to compromise with one another and share out tasks.

Pyper successfully built this 3D polyhedron. She counted how many edges and corners her shape had. She miscounted the faces and said her shape had 2 instead of 5. She does not yet understand how to calculate the angles in her shape. Keep working on geometry Pyper.
Pyper found these patterning activities extremely difficult and required support from the teacher. Once she had the teacher support she was able to make this tessellating fox pattern which all connect into each other and her basic symmetrical pattern (right). She did not really enjoy doing this because of the difficulties she faced.
Beach Safety Power-point
Tegan and Pyper made a beach safety power-point. The tried to make it several times and kept losing the file. Eventually they managed to get the job done. Their slide show presentation was a little vague and they could have included more safety information but they were rushed because of their technology difficulties. Keep trying to create digital presentations girls!
Pyper and Julia worked together to construct this 3D geometrical city. The designed a 2D plan to start and then went on to complete their model. They found it difficult to organise their time and were last to complete the task. They had to complete some of this task in their own free time. As you can see they did a great job, they just need to think about time management. They were able to complete the task using the required shapes or patterns (i.e. tessellation, symmetry, cylinders and pyramids. Well done girls, but keep thinking about the deadline.
5/7/16 Speech - Here is Pyper presenting her speech about an unusual bird. |
Pyper is awesome at learning