Wednesday 20 July 2016

Farewell to Mr McWhiter

Mr McWhirter has been on the Board of Trustees as Chairman for a very long time at Gore Main School!  He has done a wonderful job working behind the scenes to ensure the school performs to the best of its ability.  Recently we held a small ceremony to farewell Mr McWhirter and to plant a remembrance tree in the school paddock to symbolize all the hard work that has been achieved over the years.  It was Mr McWhirter's idea to open and utilize the school as a recreation area within the school.  The Enviro-kids from Room 8 wrote a small speech to thank Mr McWhirter.  Check out the video below of these clever speakers.  See you around Mr McWhirter!  At least we still have Mrs McWhirter!

Last day hot chips

Here we are eating some hot chips on the last day of Term 2!  We have worked so hard over Term 2!

Marshmellow volume

On the last day for Term 2 we had a bit of fun with some marshmellows!  We wanted to see what volume of marshmellows we could fit into our mouth!  Most students got around 8 marshmellows3  in their mouth!  Some tried to fit more but ended up spitting them out because it was just too much!
Here are some photos...