Monday, 26 September 2016

Random pics

Here are some random pics from the Room 8 camera...

Pip and Harold

At the end of Term 3 we had a visit from Pip and Harold (Life Education).  They taught Room 8 to be a person who lives ABOVE the line.  A person who lives above the line shows respect and integrity in whatever situation they are in.  Of course sometimes we can lower our own line depending on what circumstances we are in but it is still important that we stay above the line.  If you cross to below the line you are not showing the school values.  We do not want to live BELOW the line.  Here are some photos from Pip and Harold's visit! ;)

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

More videos from Assembly 16/9/16

Congratulations Room 8, your assembly presentation was sensational!  You really put a lot of time and effort into this performance, writing the script, making props and practicing your delivery.   Here are some videos from the event!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Room 8 is on Assembly this week.  Here is a sneak peak at one of the assembly items that will be shown!  Well done to Callum and Baden who made this funny trailer about boredom in Room 8.  Yeah right!

Science - Magnetism

The science experiments have been continuing in Room 8!  We have been learning so much about 'Force' by experimenting.  Our latest experiment was making an electromagnet out of an iron nail.  The nail began by being just being a non-magnetic nail, then we hooked it up to a battery with copper wire and the power from the battery caused the nail to obtain magnetic powers.  After disconnecting the nail from the battery the nail still had some magnetic powers for a while.  We also rubbed magnets onto the iron nails and the magnetic properties transferred onto the nail to make it magnetic!  Amazing!  One of the most important things about experimenting in science is allowing for children to make discoveries and to try many different things.  This is how solutions are found for things and it is one of the most important things teachers can let there students do in today's every-changing world.  Here are some of our videos.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Talent Quest 2016

Well done to the girls from Room 8 who participated in the Gore Main Talent Quest.  Great job girls.  Here are the videos.