Saturday 6 August 2016

Chicken visit

On Friday the 5th of August we had some very special visitors into Room 8, courtesy of Hanna and Jessie.  They both brought in their chickens for the day!  It was so great!   There were 3 hens and 1 rooster.  The new additions to the class settled in very nicely and the rooster even tried to roost in among some maths books!

We had many classes visit us to see our new classmates.  Room 3 were particularly interested in our guests because they are currently in the process of researching the viability of chickens at Gore Main School!  Room 3 had lots of questions for Hanna and Jessie, which they were easily able to answer.  Hanna and Jessie also wrote a report on caring for chickens for Room 3.

Everybody thoroughly enjoyed having the chickens in Room 8 for the day.  They were very well-behaved and did well to cope with the students looking at them and wanting to pat them.  Awesome Hanna and Jessie, what a great idea you both came up with.

Check out the pics and the video...


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